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Left Vs Right (Vs Pseudoleft)

Left and right are two basic opposing political sides, roughly coming down to pro-equality (left) and pro-hierarchy (right). In politics the division to left and right is the most common and basic one despite very frequent disagreements about its meaning and significance. By historical point of view the terms left and right arose from the opposing sides at which members of national assembly physically sit during 1789 French revolution, however since then they evolved into possessing more generalized meanings of simply anti and pro hierarchy. Unfortunately there is a lot of confusion and vagueness about the terms, so let us now define them as used on this wiki:

There exists a "theory" called a horse shoe. It says that the extremes of the left-right spectrum tend to be alike (violent, hating, radical), just as the two ends of a horse shoe. This is only an illusion caused by ignoring the existence of pseudoleft. The following diagram shows the true situation:

TRUE LEFT (peace, selflessness, forgiveness, ...)
               /          \
              |            |  <== illusion of horse shoe
              |            |
               \          /
                V        V
    (violence, conflict, aggressivity, ...)

We see pseudoleft is something that began as going away from the right but slowly turned around back to its values, just from a slightly different direction. This is because rightism is very easy, it offers tempting short-term solutions such as violence, and so it exhorts a kind of magnetic force on every human -- most cannot resist and only very few get to the true left despite this force.

The current US-centered culture unfortunately forces a right-pseudoleft false dichotomy. It is extremely important to realize this dichotomy doesn't hold. Do not become type A/B fail.

What's called left in the modern western culture usually means pseudoleft. The existence of pseudoleftism is often overlooked or unknown. It used to be found mainly in the US, however globalization spreads this cancer all over the world. Pseudoleft justifies its actions with a goal that may seem truly leftist, such as "equality", but uses means completely unacceptable by true left (which are in fact incompatible with equality), such as violence, bullying, lynching, cancelling, censorship or brainwashing. Pseudoleft is aggressive. It believes that "ends justify the means" and that "it's fine to bully a bully" ("eye for an eye"). A pseudoleftist movement naturally evolves towards shifting its goals from a leftist one such as equality towards a fascist one such as a (blind) fight for some group's rights (even if that group may already have achieved equality and more).

While rightist are typically direct, open about wanting to fight and destroy, pseudoleft is extremely wicked, sneaky, hypocrite, using the lowest of evil tricks and tactics such as psychological tricks played on the young, it's the cowardly evil that silently poisons and spreads like a cancer while trying to look like the good guy. One such trick is for example abusing shortcut thinking: manipulating language and shifting meanings of words; for example where some historical figure argued for human "equality", in the sense of SOCIAL equality, i.e. valuing all people the same no matter their physical differences, pseudoleft slowly redefines "equality" to PHYSICAL equality and starts to argue PHYSICAL differences between people have to be eliminated, which is of course a completely dystopian idea, but which pseudoleft now argues was supported by the said historical figures. This works extremely well on young people who are defenseless against such sneaky tricks -- spotting this requires a lot of life experience that's impossible to be acquired during 18 years of life. See also for example Hitlerjugend.

The difference between left and pseudoleft can be shown in many ways; one of them may be that pseudoleft always wants to fight something, usually the right (as they're essentially the same, i.e. natural competitors). True left wants to end all fights. Pseudoleft invents bullshit artificial issues such as political correctness that sparks conflict, as it lives by conflict; it also uses manipulation, populism, rhetoric tricks and things such as abusing idiot fallacies to push lies that simply gain it more power. Left tries to find peace by solving problems. Pseudoleft sees it as acceptable to do bad things to people who committed something it deems bad. True left knows that violence creates violence, it "turns the other cheek", it cures hate with love.

Pseudoleft is extra harmful by deceiving the public into thinking what it does really is leftist. Most normal people that don't think too much therefore stand between a choice of a lesser of two evils: the right and pseudoleft. True left, the true good, is not known, it is overshadowed. Let us now compare a few existing movements/ideologies/groups:

LGBT Feminism Antifa Nazism MGTOW BLM Marxism LRS
class pseudoleft pseudoleft pseudoleft right right? pseudoleft pseudoleft true left
fights for gay/bi/etc. women antifa, pseudoleft own race/nation men black proletariat no one
fights against straight, anti-LGBT men, anti-Feminists right, anti-Antifa Jews, other r/n women non-black, anti-BLM other classes no one
official motive "social justice" "social justice" "self defense" "self defense" "self defense" "self. def.", ... superiority love
bullying/violence? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no
fanaticism/hysteria? yes yes yes yes probably yes yes no
propaganda/brainw./censor.? yes yes yes yes probably yes yes no
cults of personality/heroes? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no
ends justify the means? yes yes yes yes probably probably yes no

Why is there no pseudoright? Because it doesn't make sense :) Left is good, right is a sincere evil and pseudoleft is an evil pretending to be good. A good pretending to be evil doesn't probably exist in any significant form.

Centrism means trying to stay somewhere mid way between left and right, but it comes with issues. From our point of view it's like trying to stay in the middle of good and evil, it is definitely pretty bad to decide to be 50% evil. Another issue with centrism is that it is unstable. Centrism means balancing on the edge of two opposing forces and people naturally tend to slip towards the extremes, so a young centrist will have about equal probabilities of slipping either towards extreme left or extreme right, and as society polarizes this way, people become yet more and more inclined to defend their team. Knowing centrism is unsustainable, we realize we basically have to choose which extreme to join, and we choose the left extreme, i.e. joining the good rather than the evil.

{ I came to the realization that rightists are actually much more bearable than pseudoleftists -- it makes sense though, pseudoleft is like right, fascist, but with extra evil of added pretence and sneakiness. While rightists are at their core evil, they are actually many times tolerant as they often value free speech, so you can coexist with a rightist, he will tell you your opinions are stupid but he will let you share them, he is like that one friend who you disagree with but still can have a talk with. Yes, that's right, a rightist is more tolerant than pseudoleftist. I do by no means defend rightism, it is pure evil, but the fact that it seems bearable compared to pseudoleft says something about pseudoleft -- pseudoleft is just pure psychopathy. A rightist sometimes at least holds some values, for example he will respect your courage to stand behind an opinion you hold even if he hates it, a pseudoleftist has none of that, an SJW just has no emotion except for hate and rage, he has that soulless robotic stare with the word "EXTERMINATE" flashing before his eyes. You mention a trigger word and he bans you on all servers, you'll be lucky if he doesn't call for your public lynching. ~drummyfish }

See Also

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