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Cancer is similar to shit but is even worse because it spreads itself like fire and infects anything else it touches (it is a subset of shit). We may also say cancer is something highly toxic, e.g. an Internet forum, as in "after prolonged exposure this will surely give you cancer".

Examples of cancer are:

Of course cancer is also a deadly biological disease, very common in capitalist societies, unlike in those poor primitive societies who lack this kind of luxury. Why is cancer so common in the first world? In short it's thanks to the luxuries of our highly "advanced" society: extreme weakening of body due to physical slavery and constant stress, poisonous food and water (everything is injected with toxic chemical such as preservatives, extreme amounts of sugar, artificial sweeteners etc.), poisoned air (cars, factories, ...), constant exposure to radiation (cell phones, wifi, 5G, microwaves, ...), sleep deprivation, constant intake of poisonous drugs (antidepressants, sleep pills, headache pills, antibiotics, ...), too much hygiene killing natural immunity (antiperspirants preventing sweating, makeup injecting poison in the skin, soap drying our skin, ...). If you say "But wait, there is no evidence of X causing cancer...", you are beyond saving, there are no words adequate to describe your stupidity. There also used to be no evidence of X rays or smoking being harmful or freons killing the ozone layer, are fucking braindead or what? Do you think in ultracapitalist society anyone will be quick to invest millions in proving something that would destroy a multibillion dollar business, and that if someone tries he won't be bullied by those who are making those billions of dollars? This literally happened at least thousand of times over and over, are you a fucking idiot? OF COURSE a cellphone won't give you cancer after 5 minutes, you won't find any evidence there, human body can deal with expose to many things for short time, but it's generally the case that anything unnatural is harmful under constant, long-term exposure -- even drinking too much water will kill you. Do you think having a radiating device close to your brain 24/7 for 50 years will do nothing? Do you think anyone could have performed a study that would prove this when cell phones haven't even been around for that long? Start fucking thinking you idiot.

See Also

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