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Unretarding means aligning oneself with the less retarded software and society after acquiring necessary education, mental maturity and the right mindset. This wiki should help with achieving the goal -- or rather getting closer to it, as perfection can never be truly achieved.

If, unlike almost all people, you are in fact not a joyful ignorant and are cursed with the possession of an independently thinking brain, in your life there will likely come a moment of sudden realization (see also red pill) -- enlightenment of a sort -- often once the bucket of patience and frustration overflows while at the same time you've soaked up a lot of facts and knowledge you previously didn't pay too much attention to but which nonetheless accumulated in the back of your mind and now makes everything "click" -- then suddenly there's a jump or rapid turn after which you'll never be the same, the curtain of lies is lifted and you see the world in a completely new way. Despite this however remember: it mustn't be the end. We must constantly keep on our mind that this is ultimately a continuous, lifelong process, like any other kind of education and improvement.

We live in a highly developed dystopia that brainwashes us from the day we take our first breath so that we do bad things and reject good things: practically 100% of the people in the western world are taught to act and think in EXACT OPPOSITE ways than they should be. Unretarding means unlearning these harmful ways, and that can indeed show to be very difficult -- it is hard enough to try to reverse all your habits and patterns of thinking, but in addition doing so will make you seem like someone who has gone mad or is just joking, which is why it'll be extremely hard to convince anyone you're serious and to find any understanding. What you have been taught is "good" is in fact usually bad and vice versa -- this is a pattern you will recognize very quickly once you adopt LRS thinking. For example most common people would probably say that justice, fairness, laws, optimism, competition, anti-cheating measures, more computer security and modern technology are all clearly good things -- LRS reveals they are in fact NOT, they are very bad things.

To start seeing through the propaganda we advise to start with the hint we just mentioned: if they system supports something and/or encourages you to do something ("Buy this!", "Go vote!" etc.) or if it rewards something or someone (i.e. someone being a celebrity, proclaimed hero, ...), it's very likely a bad thing and vice versa; but of course we have to always confirm this using critical thinking -- for this we firstly have to know what our goal is (for us it's well being and happiness of all life), then we must turn off our shortcut thinking and turn on critical thinking, and then we must start thinking the concept in question through and evaluate whether it helps our goal or not. Of course matters are not always so simple, for example recognizing who and what is part of the "system" and who is part of the opposition may not be easy and may not even have a clear yes/no answer -- many people and things are both part of the system and part of the opposition to various degrees. Nevertheless a good advice for a beginner is to consider practically everything to be part of the system, even things that to normal people look like the opposition, for example "open source communities" etc. -- part of the system is also creating an ILLUSION of opposition, people are led to believe there exists good, the system creates "fake good" to keep people optimistic and busy so that they can't truly revolt, it just makes them think they're revolting. I.e. we must adopt a presumption of evil, be suspicious of everything, the system is powerful, widespread and cancerous, by now it has infected practically everything, at least in the western world.

See Also

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