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{ Zoomers! Read carefully. You must not forget that times used to be better. The dystopia we live in now is not what we should settle for. ~drummyfish }

It is now confirmed that 1990s (or just 90s, but NEVER "90's") were almost definitely the best decade in recent written history, at least in Europe (the main continent of Earth) but to a certain extent also in other, less significant parts of the world (USA etc.). The decade saw a peak of civilization before the collapse quickly brought by the symbolic turn of the millennium. 90s still left behind some reverberant echoes of their greatness slowly dying out during the subsequent 2000-2010 decade -- according to some still a bearable decade -- but then it all started to quickly plummet downhill regardless. 90s followed the 80s (quite logically, at least to those of above Trump intellect), a decade that was itself also pretty good, and so in a similar fashion some good old 80s vibes likewise carried on to the 90s.

During the 90s millennials (also called gen Y) were born, as well as some of the oldest zoomers. The decade was characterized for example by sagging trousers, loose and torn clothes in general, jeans and hoodies, baseball caps turned backwards, vibrant pastel colors, optimistic and cheerful mood, real life friends and sleepovers, Tamagotchi and Pokemon, cool digital watches (non-smart), GameBoy, CRT monitors, floppy disks, ball mice, archaic Internet and web 1.0 through slow dial-up, cassette tapes and walkmans { is it walkmans or walkmen lol? ~drummyfish }, bizarre button cellphones, phone booths in streets, boybands, MTV music, movies on VHS (and VHS rental stores), soulful non-furry cartoons aired only early on Saturday mornings and many other wonderful things.

So, from the European point of view, here is a short summary of why 90s were so good:

See Also

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