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Here you can shitpost your jokes that are somehow related to this wiki's topic. Just watch out for copyright (no copy-pasting jokes from other sites)!

Please do NOT post lame "big-bang-theory"/9gag jokes like sudo make sandwich or there are 10 types of people.

Also remember the worst thing you can do to a joke is put a disclaimer on it. Never fucking do that.

{ Many of the jokes are original, some are shamelessly pulled from other sites and reworded. I don't believe copyright can apply if the expression of a joke is different, ideas can't be copyrighted. Also the exact origins of jokes are difficult to track so it's probably a kind of folklore. ~drummyfish }

{ I would like to thank my friend Ramon who contributed to me many ideas for jokes here :D I usually modified them slightly. ~drummyfish }

See Also

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