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Tattoo is a body disfigurement formed by injecting ink under the skin to permanently mark it. Tattoo, similarly to piercing, suits, dyed hair etc., is a sign of egoism, narcissism, herd mentality, identity crisis, overconfidence of the incompetent and a cheap attempt at desperately trying to get attention or make oneself look interesting. Back in the day, in the 90s, it wasn't common to have tattoos, having one meant you were a self centered egoistic attention whore -- it still means the same thing today but being egoistic attention whores is normal and encouraged now, so everyone has tattoos. We highly advise to distance oneself from anyone having a voluntarily made tattoo.

Lol it seems it's starting to show that tattoos actually cause cancer -- what a fucking surprise. The ink contains mercury, lead, arsenic and other poison that will permanently be getting into your bloodstream over the years. Enjoy this retarded life decision. However watch capitalism try to cover this up with things like "there is no peer reviewed science^TM approved evidence of tattoo being harmful", as in "no one ever published a paper that would say bashing your head with hammer is harmful" :) Anyway tattoos are known to be associated with lower intelligence so it's just natural selection.

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