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A finished project is completed, working and doesn't need regular maintenance, it serves its users and doesn't put any more significant burden of development cost on anyone. A finished project is not necessarily perfect and bugless, it is typically just working as intended, greatly stable, usable, well optimized and good enough. In a sane society (such as lrs) when we start a project, we are deciding to invest some effort into it with the promise of one day finishing it and then only benefiting from it for evermore; however under capitalist's update culture nothing really gets finished, projects are started with the goal of developing them forever so as to enslave more and more people (or, as capitalists put it, "create jobs" for them), which is extremely harmful. Finished project often have the version number 1.0, however under capitalist update culture this just a checkpoint towards implementing basic features which doesn't really imply the project is finished (after 1.0 they simply aim for 2.0, 3.0 etc.). Always aim for projects that will be finished (even if potentially not by you); sure, even in a good society SOME projects may be "perpetual" in nature -- for example an encyclopedia that's updated every 5 years with new knowledge and discoveries -- however this should only be the case where NECESSARY and the negative effects of this perpetual nature should be minimized (for example with the encyclopedia we should make the update span as large as possible, let's say 5 years as opposed to 1 year, and we should yield a nice and tidy release after every update).

Examples of projects that have been finished are:

How to make greatly finishable projects?

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