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"People are retarded." --Osho
All people are idiots, love all of them, never make anyone a leader. So far people seem to be mentally the most inferior of all species on Earth, the only thing stupider than people are feminists and capitalists (which is basically the same thing). Humans possess high level of intelligence which allows them to be extremely stupid, much more than other organisms can dream of -- just like playing the worst chess moves requires deep understanding of chess, behaving in most stupid ways possible requires an intellect capable of deducing what is indeed the most stupid thing to do at any given time -- at this humans excel. People are the worst thing that ever appeared since even before our universe started to exist.
Remember: a cover mostly says just enough about the book.
Here is a list of people notable in technology or in other ways related to LRS.
- Aaron Fletcher: voluntarily homeless minimalist guy traveling with a bunch of sheep.
- Aaron Swartz: famous computer prodigy activist involved in creation of famous things like Reddit, RSS and Creative Commons, suicided at 26
- Alan Cox: famous Linux contributor, used to be considered second in command after Torvalds
- Alan Kay: oldfag hacker, inventor of Smalltalk
- Albert Einstein: 20th century physicist, author of theory of relativity, pacifist and socialist, regarded as one of the most brilliant geniuses in history.
- Alan Turing: 20th century mathematician, father of computer science, gay
- Alexandre Oliva: free software advocate, founding member of FSFLA, maintainer of Linux-libre
- Ashley Jones: Internet girl, one of very few specimens of a based woman
- Bill Gates: founder and CEO of Micro$oft, huge faggot
- Bobby Tables: full name
Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--
, appeared in xkcd 327, see also SQL injection
- Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama): started buddhism, a religion seeking enlightenment attained by searching for the ultimate truth and so freeing oneself from all desire
- Charles Moore: inventor of Forth, advocate of software minimalism, oldschool hacker
- Christopher Knight AKA The Maine Hermit: based guy who left society and lived completely alone for 27 years, proving that human is not a social animal.
- Christoph Lohmann (20h): former member of suckless, now a "CEO" of Bitreich
- David Hampson: extremely based man who keeps going to prison just by standing in the middle of the road and then refuses to talk to anyone, including the judge, his own layer, psychiatrist and anyone else, even though he can speak perfectly well
- David Mondou-Labbe ("""Devine Lu Linvega"""): some weird narcissist soyboy making minimalist stuff, 100r member, cryptocapitalist, pseudoleftist fascist, heavily utilizing NC licenses
- Dennis Ritchie: creator of C language and co-creator of Unix
- Diogenes: based Greek philosopher who opposed all authorities in very cool ways
- Dirt Wizard (Lafe Spietz, Trash Robot): author of Trash Magic
- Donald Knuth: computer scientist, Turing-award winner, author of the famous Art of Computer Programming books and the TeX typesetting system
- drummyfish (Miloslav Číž): creator of LRS, a few programs and this wiki, anarcho-pacifist
- Eric S. Raymond: oldschool hacker turned capitalist, proponent of open $ource, desperately trying to be popular, co-founder of OSI and tech writer (Jargon File, CatB, ...)
- Fabrice Bellard: legendary programmer, made many famous programs such as ffmpeg, tcc, TinyGL etc.
- Geoffrey Knauth: very shitty president of Free Software Foundation since 2020 who embraces proprietary software lol
- Grigori Perelman based Russian mathematician who solved one of the biggest problems in math (Poincare conjecture), then refused Fields medal and million dollar prize, refuses to talk to anyone and make hero of himself, just sent a huge fuck you to the system
- Jara Cimrman: a fictional Czech universal genius that basically secretly invented everything but was forgotten by history, it's the whole country's inside joke
- Jason Scott: quite famous archivist and filmmaker (maintains e.g. textfiles.com), focused on old hacker/boomer tech like BBSes
- Jesus: probably the most famous guy in history, had a nice teaching of nonviolence and love
- Jimmy Wales: co-founder of Wikipedia
- John Carmack: legendary game (Doom, Quake, ...) and graphics developer, often called a programming god
- John Gilmore: oldschool hacker, founder of Electronic Frontier Foundation
- John Romero: legendary oldschool game dev, co-creator of Doom
- John von Neumann: early 20th century multidisciplinary genius, one of the greatest computer scientists of all time, also famous for huge IQ and being a human calculator
- Jonathan Blow: Mainstream proprietary indie game developer of puzzle games, kind of a celebrity of indie game dev, mostly retarded but sometimes says something based out of context, some people love him, some hate him.
- Karl Marx: jewish intellectual, philosopher, started Marxism
- Ken Silverman: famous oldschool 3D engine programmer (Duke Nukem 3D's BUILD engine, ...), sadly proprietaryfag
- Ken Thompson: co-creator of Unix, C and Go
- Kurt Godel: mathematician famous for his groundbreaking incompleteness theorems proving that logic itself has intrinsic limitations, was a tinfoil schizo and died of starvation believing his food to be poisoned
- Larry Sanger: co-founder of Wikipedia, also one of its biggest critics
- Larry Wall: creator of Perl language, linguist
- Lawrence Lessig: lawyer, founder of free culture movement and Creative Commons, critic of copyright
- Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy: Russian writer -- regarded among the best of all times -- said to have been an anarcho pacifist
- Linus Torvalds: Finnish programmer who created Linux and git
- Luke Smith: suckless vlogger/celebrity
- Mahatma Gandhi: Indian man who greatly utilized and popularized nonviolence
- Melvin Kaye aka Mel: genius old time programmer that appears in hacker lore (Story of Mel)
- Mental Outlaw: suckless vlogger/celebrity
- Mother Teresa
- Nils M Holm: creator of minimalist languages and compilers (notably T3X), buddhist
- Nina Paley: female artist, one of the most famous proponents of free culture
- Noam Chomsky: linguist notable in theoretical compsci, anarchist
- Oscar Toledo G.: programmer of tiny programs and games (e.g. the smallest chess program), sadly proprietary winfag
- Osho: some kinda guru, TODO
- Petr Chelcicky: old time anarcho pacifist
- Richard Stallman: inventor of free software and copyleft, founder of GNU and FSF, hacker, also created emacs
- Rob Pike: oldschool hacker strayed from the path of good, involved in Unix, Plan 9 and go
- Roy Schestowitz: PhD journalist, running Techrights, revealing corruption in technology
- Stephen Gough (naked rambler): based guy who refuses to wear clothes, is bullied by society and kept in prison
- Steve Jobs: founder and CEO of Apple, huge retard and dickhead
- Ted Kaczynski: AKA the Unabomber, mathematician, prodigy, primitivist and murderer who pointed out the dangers of modern technology
- Terry Davis: deceased schizophrenic genius, creator of Temple OS, became a tech meme
- Tom Murphy VII (Tom7): researcher, famous SIGBOVIK contributor and YouTuber
- Uriel M. Pereira: deceased member of the suckless/cat-v community, "philosopher"
- Virgil Dupras: creator of Collapse OS and Dusk OS
- viznut (Ville-Matias Heikkilä): creator or countercomplex, minimalist programmer, inventor of bytebeat, hacker, collapse "prepper"
- ...
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