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"Everything that modern culture hates is good, and everything that modern culture loves is bad." --fschmidt from reactionary software

So called modern software/hardware and other modern technology might as well be synonymous with shitty bloated abusive technology. It's one of the most abused buzzwords of today, relying (successfully) on the sheeple shortcut thinking -- in a capitalist age when everything is getting progressively worse in terms of design, quality, ethicality, efficiency, etc., newer means worse, therefore modern (newest) means the worst. In other words modern is a term that stands for "as of yet best optimized for exploiting users". At LRS we see the term modern as pejorative -- for example whenever someone says "we work with modern technology", he is really saying "we are working with as of yet worst technology". Is it shit? Does it abuse you? Is useless? Doesn't matter, it's NEW! Basically modern is a word that to a retard just communicates "buy it".

{ GNU also warns about the word "modern": https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html. ~drummyfish }

Modern technology is also opposed by neoluddists, a kind of anti-technology movements whose roots go back to 19th century. The word modern was similarly addressed e.g. by reactionary software -- it correctly identifies the word as being connected to a programming orthodoxy of current times, the one that's obsessed with creating bad technology and rejecting good technology. { I only found reactionary software after this article has been written. ~drummyfish }

Sometimes random people notice the issue, though there are very few. One blog (https://blog.ari.lt/b/modernism/) for example goes on to say that "modernism sucks" and the word modern is basically just an excuse for being bloated. Those are indeed true words.

Avoid anything labeled as follows: "modern", "state-of-the-art", "cutting-edge", "for 21st century", next gen, "for INSERT CURRENT YEAR", "up-to-date", "innovative", "novel", "latest technology", "high tech" etc.

Remember, older is always better.

Modern Vs Old Technology

It's sad and dangerous that newer generation won't even remember technology used to be better, people will soon think that the current disgusting state of technology is the best we can do. That is of course wrong, technology used to be relatively good. It is important we leave here a note on at least a few ways in which old was much, much better.

(INB4 "it was faster and longer on battery etc. because it was simpler" -- yes, that is exactly the point.)

See Also

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